Answers about Barley

Answers about Barley

The Tagalo? word for barley is “cebada.” Barle? is ? type of cereal gra?n c?mmonly used in vari?us dis?es and ?everages. It is known for its nutty fla Read more A?ri?ulture +2 How can you i?entify barley and wheat in crop field? As?ed by Wi?i User No, ?ut they are similar. Wheat has mo?e coarser seed head than barley does. Barley is more smoother up the seed ?ead ?ith longer awns than wheat. Barley and ?h Read more ??rm Crops +1 What is the country song that says ‘pop the top on an ice cold barley po?’? Asked by Wiki User Barley What part of the UK is barley mainly grown? Asked by Wiki User Farm Crops +1 What state? grows barle? oats hay and ?otatoes in a harsh climate? Asked by Wiki User Barley Is barley safe to eat if you forgot to rinse it? Asked by Wiki User Ye?, barley is safe to eat even if you forgot to rinse it.

Rinsing bar?ey before ?ooking ?s typically done to remove any dirt or ?ebris, but it is not necessary Read more E?osystems +1 What are some of the adaptations of barley? Asked ?y Wiki Use? Barley has ad??t?d to gro? in a wide range of climates and ?oil ?onditions. It has a shorter gr?wing season com?are? to other cereal crops, sex tr? em f68 ma?ing it suitable f Read more Biology +1 What b?anch of life science would corn and sex tr? em f68 ba?ley go with? Aske? by Wiki User Corn and barley are ?ommonly associate? with the d?sci?line of plant biology or bot?ny, which is a branch of life science that focuses on the study of pl?nts, t Read more Botany or Plant Biology +1 Is Barley ? herb or shrub? Ask?? by Wiki Use? Barley is a cereal grain, not an herb or a shrub.

It is a member of the grass family and is grown for its edible seeds wh?ch are commonly used in cooking ?nd br Read more Homebre?ing +3 What conditions does barley need to grow? Aske? by Wiki User ?arley ne?ds a coo? climate with temperatures between 40-70°F (4-21°C) and well-draining soil. It also require? fu?l sun exposure and periodi? rainfall o? irr?g Read more Botany or ?lant Biol?gy +1 What are the parts of the barley pl?nt? ?sked by Wiki User The barley plant consists of the roots, stems, leaves, spikes (f?owers), and grains (seeds).

Each part plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the Read more Biology +1 What ?s the species name of barley? Asked by Wik? User T?e sp?cies name of ba?ley is Horde?m vulgare If you loved this post and y?u would ce?ta?nly such a? to obtain even more facts concerning sex tr? em f68 kindly go to our own web site. .