Answers about Computer Terminology

Answers about Computer Terminology

Diff?rence between software engineering and traditional software engineeringSoftware engineering is based on computer ?cience, information scienc? ?nd discrete Read more Computer Terminology +2 Difference between master file and transaction file? Asked b? Wiki User A m?ster f?le is a permanent file that c?ntains spec?fic information about a particular entity, such as c?stomers, pr?ducts, ?r employees. It is typical?y updat Read m?re Comp?ter Terminolog? +3 W?at i? data ope?ations? Asked by Wik? User DataOps is a set of practice? that aim to improve the spe?d and quality of data ?na?ytics by c?mbining ?gile methodologies, DevOps principles, and data manageme Read m?re Computer T?rminology How many gb in a Geopbyte? As?ed by W?ki User A geopbyte i? equal to 1,000 brontobytes, w?ich is equal to 1,000,000 yottabytes, which is equal to 1,000,000,000 exabytes, sex ?u âm bao dam ?hich is equal to 1,000,000,000,000 Read more Computer Terminology +2 Does Peru ?ave a a?cent ma?k? Asked by Wiki User ?ell, honey, Peru is a country, sex tr? em f68 not a word, so it doesn’t have an ?ccent mark.

However, the word “Perú” does have an accent mark on the “u” Read more Computer Terminology How many bits is ?qual to ?ne nipple? Ask?d by Wiki User I’m sorry, but the question is not clea?. In case you beloved thi? short article in addition to you wish to be given more details with regard? to sex tr? em f68 i implore you to go to our own web page. In com?uting, a bit is the basic unit of information ?nd typically represents a binary dig?t of 0 o? 1. A “nipple Read more Mobile Phones +2 How can you behind text a picture? Asked by Wiki User To “behind text” a picture typically refers to placing an image behind text in a document or presentation.

In most software applications like Microsof Read more Computer Terminology What you do when you use information or data to make an informed guess about what will happen in the future? Asked by Wiki User Oh, dude, when you use information or data to make an informed guess about what will happen in the future, you’re basically just playing a really boring game of Read more Software and Applications (non-game) +1 Complete solved exercise of Right Byte Book 3 Revised Edition for secondary classes by samrina anwar?

Asked by Wiki User Oh, dude, I wish I could just whip out a ?omplete exercise from a specific book just like that! But, li?e, I ?an’t ?o that. You gotta put in the work and solve Read more Comp?ter Term?nology +1 Example of pe?pleware? Asked by Wiki User Peopl?ware refe?s to the human elements in computer systems, inclu?ing users, develop?rs, managers, and other stakeholders. An example of peoplew?re is a projec Read more ?omputer Termino?ogy +1 How many bits are in a geobyte? Asked by Wik? User A geobyte i? not a standard unit of ?ata measurement in the International System of Units (SI).

However, if we assume a geobyte is equi?alent to 1 billion bytes Read more Com?uter Terminology +3 What is t?e difference between digital and analog signals?