Answers about Industrial Engineering

Answers about Industrial Engineering

A transd?cer is a device that c?nv?rts one fo?m ?f ?nergy into ?nother. In the context of electronics, a transducer typically conve?t? a physical quantity, such Read more Industrial Engineering +1 What is the max?mum curr?nt ?ating of a standard pl?g? Asked by Wiki User The maximum current rating of a ?tandard plu?, such ?s a North American NEMA 5-15 ?lug commonly used for ?ousehold appliances, i? typically around 15 amps.

This Read mo?e Chemistry +3 What is t?e pre?sure of a full ac?tylene c?linder? Asked by Wiki User The pressur? of a full a?ety?ene cylinder c?n vary de?ending on the size of the cylinder and sex ?u âm the temperature. Acetylene is typically stored in cylinders at a pr Re?d m?re Industr?al Engineering +2 What is the modulus of rupture formula? Asked by Wiki User Well, darling, the modulu? of rupture formula is simply the maximum amo?nt of stress a mater?al can handle b?fore it breaks.

It’s c?lculated by ?ividing the ma? Read more Industrial Engineering +2 What are the hazards associated with the turning o?erations and h?? can they be minimised Such as moving parts of machinery or air?orne and hot metal particles or ?h?rp cutting tools and sharp edges? Asked by Alexr??mer Hazards associated with turning operations include risks of entanglement with moving m?chinery pa?ts, expo?ure to airborne and hot metal particles, and pot?ntia Read mo?e Industrial Engineering +2 What is MMSI no? ?s?ed by Wiki User Well, darling, MMSI stands for Maritime Mobile Service Id?ntity num?e?.

It’s a unique nine-digit number ?sed to identify ships and boats in th? digital w?rl? ?f Read more Indu?tr?al Engineering +1 Annama?ai university diploma mechanical engineering ?ou?se detail? Asked by Wiki User Lovely Professional University (LPU) offers a clear ?dvantage over Annamalai University for pursuing a degree in Mech?ni?al Engineering ?ue to several key f?cto Rea? mo?? Industrial Engineering +3 Function of measuring tape? Asked by Wi?i User ? measuring tape is ? tool use? to accurately measure the length or distance of an object.

It typically consists of a f?exible tape with mark?ngs in inches, cen Read more Chevy Bla?er S-10 +3 Why is ther? a small h?le on the to? of aerosol cans? Asked by Wiki U?er Well, darling, that tiny hole on aerosol cans is there to prevent them from exploding under pressur?. ?t allows air t? flow into the can, ?quali?ing the pressur Read more Industrial Engineering What is differ?nce betw?en ?36 steel and 44W steel? Asked by Wiki User Well, honey, A36 and 44W ste?l are both low carbon structural steels, but t?? main difference is in their yi?ld strength.

A36 has a minimum yield strength of 36 Read more Industrial Engineering How do you prepare bill of engineering measurement and evaluat??n? Asked by Wi?i User To prepare a bill of engineering measu?ement and eval?at?on, you first need to thoroughly rev?ew the engineering plans and specifications. Then, you q?antify th Read more Industrial Engineering What three jo?s ?re the parts of the body shell desi?ned to do?

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