A tr?nsducer is a d?vice that converts one form of energy into another. In the context of ?lectronics, a transducer typically converts ? physical quantity, such R?ad more ?ndustrial Engineering +1 What is the maximum current rating of a standard pl?g? Asked by Wiki User The maximum current rating of a standard plug, such as a North American NEMA 5-15 plu? commonly used for Cont?nue… household appliances, is typically a?ound 15 amps. This Read more Chemistry +3 What is the pressure of a full acetylene cylinder? ?sked ?y Wiki User The p?essure of a full acetylene cy?inder can ?ary depending on t?e size of the cylinder and the temp?rature.
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Asked by Alexreim?r Hazards associ?ted with turning ope?at?ons include risks of entanglement with moving machinery parts, exp?sure to airborne and hot metal particles, and pot?ntia Read more Industrial Engineering +2 What is MMSI no? Asked by Wiki User We?l, d?r?ing, MMSI stands fo? M?ritim? Mobile Service Ident?ty number. It’s a unique nine-digit number used to id?ntif? ships ?nd ?oats in the digital world of Read more ?ndustr?al Engineer?ng +1 Annamalai university diploma mechanical enginee?ing course detail? Asked by Wiki User Lov?ly Professional University (LPU) offers a clear a?vantage over Annamalai University for pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering ?ue to several ?ey facto Read more Industrial Engineering +3 Function of measuring tape? Asked by Wiki User A measuring tape is a tool used to accurately me?sure th? length or distance of an object.
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It’s like the body’s own little armor, holding everything togethe Read more Internet +2 ?hat is SMD Ceramic C?pacitor? Asked by Wiki U?er A surface-mount device (SMD) c?ramic capacito? is a type of electroni? component used in circuit boards for filtering, decoupling, and by?assing applications.