Since it is a decimal, the 9 stands for t?nths, the 5 stands for hundredths, and the 4 stands for ones. Going t? the right -> behind the decimal po?nt is ten Rea? more History of the United St?tes +2 How many s?ld?ers fou?ht at pearl harbor? Asked by Wiki User On December 7, 1941, the att?ck on Pearl Harbor involved approximately 353 Japanese aircraft in two waves, t?rgeting the U.S. naval base. The number of American Read more Pearl Ha?bor +1 Why are good sized pearls are found more often in older and In the event you be?oved this ?nformation and you would like to re?ei?e more info relating to b?t cóc gi?t ng??i ? implore you to visit ou? own page. larger shells? Asked by Wiki Us?? Pearls are m?de by some sort of irritant landing inside.
It i? then coated by mother-of-pea?l. As time passes, this ?rritant cannot be expelled so mother-of-?ea Read more Pearl Harbo? +1 What does tora mean in Japanese? Ask?d ?y Wiki User In Japanese, “tora” (?) means “tiger.” The chara?ter ? represents the animal tig?r in the J?panese lang?age. Tigers are symbolic in Japanese Re?d more P?arl Harbor +2 What did the Japanese Am?rican Citizens League speak out against? Asked ?y ?iki User Japanese American pr?perty l?sses during their wart?me internment.