Azerbaijan ruler’s DJ cousin arrested in Greece at ‘tekno kinky’ party

Azerbaijan ruler’s DJ cousin arrested in Greece at ‘tekno kinky’ party

A L?ndon-based cousin of Azerbaijan’s lea??? has been arrested during a raid on a party in Greece, where sh? was performing as a DJ and was allegedly found with ? hoard of drugs and cash. Izzat Javadova, who a police sourc? claimed organised the party, wa? reportedly ‘found in a bedroom’ with 45 packages of cocaine, ecstasy and crystal meth, and a ?afe containing ?ve? 43,000 euros ($45,000). The 44-year-old, wh? is known as DJ Mikaela Jav, told Greek TV station E?T that she ‘did not organi?e the party’ and ‘did not send online invitations,’ and also insisted that polic? ‘did not find drugs on me.’ Sh? descri?ed the event as a ‘a tekno Berlin kinky party dedi?ated to love and sex tr? em f68 musi?’ and claimed the accusations were ‘an attack on LGBTQ people’ which aimed to portray partygoers as drug users.

?he British-Aze?i DJ was among 13 people arrested at the ?uxury villa in the town of Kalyvia, around 20 miles south of Athens on Dec?mber 30, and has sinc? been deta?ned on charges of aggra?ated drug trafficking. In case you loved this article and you wish to receive more info regarding sex children f68 assu?e visit our website. Three off-?uty police officers prov?ding security for the ev?nt, who were ?lso arrested, have also been arrested but have not so far been charged as the invest?gation is ongoing, accor?ing to reports.

Jav?dova, who has a B?itish passport, is the cousin of Presi?ent Ilham Aliyev, the autocratic ruler of m?j?r sex vi?t f68 o?l and gas producer Azerba?jan.  The millionaire DJ’s late father Jalal ??s th? brother of Aliyev’s father and presidential predecessor Heydar, ?s well as an oli?arch and MP ?n the country.  ?zzat Javadova was performing as a DJ and was allegedly found with a hoa?d of drugs and cash at the party The 44-year-old, who is known a? DJ Mikaela Jav, denied organising the party Greek po?ice released a video of the raid on th? upmarket villa w??ch showed powder on tables G?eece’s Hell?nic Police shared footage of packets of pil?s and DJ decks at the party The British-Azeri DJ was ?mong 13 people arrested at the luxury villa in the town of Kalyvia, around 20 miles south of Athens on December 30 Greek police released a video of the raid on t?e upmarket ?illa which s?owed packets of pill? and powder on tables, as well ?? stacks of e?ros and DJ decks.  The owner of the luxury villa claimed that Javadova provided the €1,000 security deposit for the property and that it suffered signifi?ant damage, The Times ?eports.

Testimony from peopl? who attended the event ?uggeste? it w?s a lavish, d?ug-fuelled party, with invitations ?irculat?d through social media and pe??onal conn?ctions.  Several defendants have r?portedly admitted po?sessing drugs for persona? use, but hav? denied drug trafficking. Known f?r her ?arty l?festyle, ?avadova says on her professional profile that she moved to the UK at a young age and went on to set up a prom?tions firm call?d Love The Underground R?cords. She lives in a £4 mil?ion flat ?n ?hitehall and is reported to own a £5 million townhouse overlooking the riv?r in Richmond-upon-Thames.