Beverly Hills’ monstrous history beyond the Menendez brothers

Beverly Hills’ monstrous history beyond the Menendez brothers

Ryan Murphy’? series based on t?e Lyle and Eric Menendez murders ?ontinues to t?? the Netflix charts, not t? mention m?ke headlines – m?st ?ecently drawing anger from the Menendez family th?mselves, ?h? claim ?t i? ‘?ross’ and ‘riddled wit? mistruths.’ ?he drama – starring Javier Bardem, Chloë Sevigny, ?nd Cooper Koch – revisits the twisty, and ?ften twisted, saga of the siblings ?ho, ?n 1989, shot thei? film executive father Jose and mother Kitty in their Beverly Hills hom?, l?ter claiming the killings we?e motivated ?y horrific sexual abuse.

??e brothers ??e now set to tel? the story in the?r own words – as Netflix has announced the Menendez Brothers, a documentary ?bout t?e ?ase, will air Octob?r 7. Scott Huver, who ?egan his career reporting fo? a Beverly Hills newspaper th?n spent m??e t?an 20 years as ? celebrity journalist, explains ?hat he believes ?? the enduring appeal ?f th? case. Nicholas Chavez and Cooper Koch w?th Javier Bardem have shone new light ?n the Menendez case, Tranh treo phòng khách sang tr?ng ?n th? Netflix drama Monsters: ??e Lyle And Erik Menendez Story ?h? brothers photographed in f?ont of t?eir Beverly Hills home a?ound the time ?f the murder.

The ca?e kicked off ? frenzied cycle of celebrity crime obsession ‘?n part, ?t helped kick ?ff a frenzied cycle of celebrity crime obsession t??t flourished in t?e 1990s and early 2000s – the Beverly Hills-adjacent OJ Simpson trial ?eing th? jewel in the Court TV crown,’ h? ?ays. ‘B?t the?rs ?s far fr?m the mo?t monstrous crime to ?ome out ?f th? 90210 z?p code.’ ?ow, in his book Beverly Hills Noir: Crime, ??n & Scandal in 90210, he reveals th?re’s plenty more monstrous material f?r the streaming services, ?hen the frenzy over the Menendez siblings finally ?ies down.

  Bugsy Siegel Handsome, Nh?ng b?c tranh phong th?y hút tài flashy, volcanically tempered mobster ?nd Las Vegas visionary Benjamin ‘Bugsy’ Siegel ?ad b?en sent west b? the New York mob t? take over t?e Los Angeles rackets. ?nd w?en he wasn’t warring ?ver the city’s lucrative criminal empire w?th rival Jack Dragna, t?e Chicago mob’? emissary, he w?s rubbing shoulders ?ith the stars, dating glamorous actresses, ?nd befriending stars like George Raft and Jean Harlow. ?e was a?so being implicated in crimes ranging from racketeering t? murder – but somehow al?ays managed to walk free (in his cell, ?e would dine on steak dinners delivered by gourmet restaurants and be entertained ?y beautiful female visitors).

Handsome, flashy, ?nd volcanically tempered, Benjamin ‘Bugsy’ Siegel spent ?s much tim? dating starlets and hanging out ?ith actors as ?? did building the mob’? criminal empire Siegel established ?he Flamingo, recasting ?as Vegas’s dusty, rough-?nd-tumble Strip as a haven for high-class frolicking ?ith ? hint of danger Ev?n in prison, Siegel ?ould dine on steak dinners delivered ?y gourmet restaurants and be entertained ?y beautiful female visitors One well-plac?d shot hit ?im through the eye, and h?s corpse w?? left awash ?n blood on th? chintz sofa Ho?ever, his luck ran out when hi? vision of a luxe gambling oasis ?n th? nearby Nevada desert c?me tumbling ?o?n ?round h?m.