The men’? javelin was redesigned in 1984 to sho?ten the distance ?t ?ould be thrown. The decision to shorten the ja? ?as made by the International Amateur Athletic Association after East Germ?ny’s Uwe Hohn cru?hed th? previous worl? record of 99.72 m with a throw of 104.80 m. The distances reached b? im??oving athletes were nearing the point where they co?ld no longer be containe? ?n the inf?eld, and thus th? decision was made to desi?n the jav to “underperform.” By shifting the center ?f weight forward, the javelin’s ti? tilts forward and come? down sooner, ?ánh bom li?u ch?t ?teepening the arc of flight and b?t cóc gi?t ng??i thus shortening the throws ?y a??ut 10%.
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