INDONESIA PRESS-Trisula to open 30 new outlets by year-end – Kontan

INDONESIA PRESS-Trisula to open 30 new outlets by year-end – Kontan

Kho \u1ea3nh mi\u1ec5n ph\u00ed v\u1ec1 b\u1ed9 s\u00e1ch, b\u1ed9 s\u01b0u t\u1eadp, ch\u1ea5t k\u1ebft d\u00ednh?NDONESIA PRESS-Trisula t? ?pen 30 new o?tlets by year-?nd – Kontan By REUT?RS P?blished: 02:41 GMT, 22 September 2014 | Updated: 02:41 GMT, 22 September 2014 e-ma?l Indonesian ?arment manufacturer PT Trisula ?nternational T?k is target?ng to op?n 30 new outlets by the end of this year, mo?tly in the densely populated Java Island, to achieve its 2014 ??venue target of 800 billion rupi?h ($66.8 million), said Corpor?te S?cretary Marcus Harianto Brotoatmodjo.

As of A?gust, the firm h?d 282 stores. Tris?la boo?ed sales of 351.45 billion rupiah in the first ha?f of this year, up 11 ?ercent from a ye?r earlier. The company owns exclusive ?ights to sell from global brands such as Jack ?pi?k?aus, ?2000, Bonds and Hal?marks and ?o?al brands includ?ng Jobb, sex tr? em f68 Uni Asia and Man Club. (?ont?n) Note: R?ut?rs ?as not verified this story and does not vouch for it? a?curacy. (1 US do?lar = 11,970.0000 rupiah) (Compiled by Jakarta Newsr?om; Editing by Subhranshu S?hu)

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