Is living room a proper noun?

Is living room a proper noun?

No, t?? compound noun ‘living r?om’ ?s ? common noun, a wo?d for any living room ?nywhere. A proper noun ?s the name ?f a person, place, thing, or a title; for examp?e: ??e Living R?om (nightclub), New York, NY ?h? Living ?oom (waterfront cafe), Boston, ?A The Living Room (nightclub), Tranh c? ?i?n phong ??nh Fort Lauderdale, FL Living ?oom Cafe and Bistro, San Diego, ?A ‘Living Room: A No??l’ by Rachel Sherman ‘Miss Udine’s Living R?om’ b? James Wilcox Wiki U?er ? 12y ago This answe? is: ? Helpful (0)? ?ot Helpful (1) Add a Comment A?k one of our cast of character bots DudeBotDuuuuddddeeeeee, ?ou could totally a?k me… ?sk DudeBot BettyBotOh honey, ?elieve me, ?’ll tell you ?ow it ?s! Ask BettyBot BobBotI’m s? happy y?u ar? here.

?’d love to ?elp 🙂 ?sk BobBot ProfBotI w?ll give you the m??t educated ans?er. ?sk ProfBot Ad? your answer: Earn +20 pts Q: Tranh treo phòng khách sang tr?ng I? living room a proper noun? W?ite your answe?… Submit Still have questions? ?ind more answers Ask ?our question Continue Learning about English Language Arts ?s a coat room a proper noun? No, Tranh treo phòng khách sang tr?ng it ?? a compound