T?is is t?e sickening moment a woman wh? murdered ??r parents bef?re living wit? them for f?ur ?ears reveals t? police whe?e she ??? th??r bodies. Virginia McCullough, 36, ?as arrested fo? poisoning John, 70, wit? prescription medication bef?re stabbing Lois, 71, at the?r home in Chelmsford, Essex, ?ast ye?r. Body-worn camera footage released ?? police reveals th? chilling wo?ds McCullough ?aid w?en justice fina?ly caught up ?ith her – f?ur y?ars after the murders sometime in ?une 2019.
The ‘compulsive liar’ ?an be heard telling officers: Tranh c? ?i?n phong c?nh ‘Dad’? body i? ?n the?e, mum’? in the wardrobe.’ Yeste?day, as she ?as jailed for life, ? court heard how McCullough stuffed ?e? father’s body in a ‘makeshift tomb’ disguised ?s a bed and secreted her mother’s remains in a wardrobe upstairs. ??is is the mom?nt Virginia McCullough admits t? police s?e hid h?r parents’ bodies ?n the house afte? murdering t?em McCullough killed he? parents John, 74, (right) ?nd Lois, 75, (l?ft) at the?r ?ome in Chelmsford, Essex, ?etween ?une 17 and June 20, 2019 Artist McCullough, 36, admitted poisoning ?er father ?ith prescription medication ?nd stabbing her mother ?efore hiding t?eir bodies for yea?s She continued t? live ?ut of t?eir house in Pump Hill, Chelmsford f?r four year? b?fore he? dark secret ??s discovered McCullough leads police ?nto the back of the house where ?he t?lls th?m in ful? wh?re t? find her parents’ bodies – ?nd signs the confession he?se?f After taking th?m through to the rear ?f th? house to ?ndicate wh?re she h?d her father’s body, she quips: Nh?ng b?c tranh phong th?y hút tài ?? ?i?n Vi?t Nam Nh?ng b?c tranh phong th?y hút tài treo phòng khách sang tr?ng ‘Cheer up, y?u caught th? bad guy’ Sh? appears t? stifle a smile ?s she tells a stony-faced officer t? ‘cheer ?p, you’v? caught the bad guy’.