Which printing process can be categorised as Digital Printing?

Which printing process can be categorised as Digital Printing?

Generally when people talk about ‘digital printing’ it is in opposition of ‘offset printing’. This can be confusing since they both begin with a digital source.

Offset printing is the kind of printing that newspapers and magazines use where the print is separated into usually 4 different color plates (hence the word ‘offset’) whereas ‘digital printing’ relies on a digital file being sent to a RIP (it processes the file for the printer) then the RIP tells the printer how to squirt the ink onto the paper. No separations are needed for digital prints.

The trend in printing is moving away from offset altogether, however offset’s strengths have always been incredible speed (of printing) and cost effectiveness. As digital printing advances these differences diminish. HP even has a ‘digital offset’ printer that works like a modern digital printer, but with the capacity and speed to rival an offset printer.